the cost effective option of retaining their pole

Like most LED sources, GranVille II LED luminaires offer long life with reduced maintenance. A dedicated thermal management system maximizes performance and reliability. The fixtures are also designed for easy access to the electronic driver to simplify maintenance.

GranVille II LED luminaires include cast aluminum housing available in multiple styles, including two utility series and four standard housings. The fixtures are offered with traditional GranVille trim options and mount to industry standard pole tenons and existing locations.

“New GranVille II LED luminaires provide present customers the cost effective option of retaining their pole, housing, glass globe, accessories and trim and simply replacing the light source and internal electronic components,” Prichard said. “The luminaires are suited to a range of environments, from parks and city streets to campuses, walkways and parking lots.”

GranVille II LED luminaires are OEM certified for retrofit of existing models. The new product family is pending regulatory listing and will be suitable for up to 40oC ambient temperature, depending on the selected wattage and options.
