this the first truly industrial platform

Ilmar Reepalu, the chairman of Malm?’s municipal executive board, started Sindre 400 when it was presented to customers, media and other interested parties for the first time."Our region is a knowledge-intensive region and will continue to be so", says Ilmar Reepalu.For that reason it is important that companies take advantage of research and education within the region and make it their business to disseminate research results to the market. As a region we can then derive all the advantage from the value created by research in the form of increased export and more vacant jobs, for example.

Sindre 400 is the first model from the Sindre platform. With this the first truly industrial platform, the foundation is laid for the development of future mass production systems.This is the platform on which to base a strong position during the forthcoming development of energy-efficient lighting, says Henri Bergstrand, Chairman of the Board, Obducat.In a longer-term perspective we also have the opportunity to turn to other manufacturers, since the Sindre platform can be adapted and customer-specified now that the basic technology is in place. It can also serve as a basis for machines designed for optoelectronics and photovoltaics (solar technology). Our response time towards customers gets shorter, says Patrik Lundstr?m.

Sindre 400 is the result of Obducat’s R&D efforts during the last eight years. The machine now ready for launch is based on models installed in customer plants and in use in industrial manufacturing conditions since February 2006. Sindre 400 has since been optimised and enhanced to operate 24/7.Obducat AB develops and delivers technologies, products and processes for the production and replication of advanced micro- and nanostructures. Obducat’s services and products primarily target growth companies in information storage, semiconductor, circuit board and sensor industries.Keith brings to Luminus an extensive background in general lighting as well as executive leadership experience,” said Dennis Costello, Chairman of the Board for Luminus Devices. “As a proven leader who is well-respected throughout the lighting industry, we are confident Keith’s distinguished career and accomplishments will be an invaluable asset to Luminus.
