the traditional electronic design houses

Specifically, alongside the traditional electronic design houses and OEMs looking to design their own applications from the board up, the distribution channel now has two new potential target markets.Firstly, there are the traditional lighting manufacturers with little or no electronic engineering capabilities but who want to migrate some or all of their products to led high bay solutions. Typically these companies will have worked with incandescent technologies for many years and historically have never purchased electronic components.Secondly, there are the 'intermediate' companies that do have some electronics expertise and some experience of electronic component purchasing, and want to do some–but not all–of the design themselves.

To meet the varying needs of customers in each of the three market segments requires an evolution of a distributor's strategy in areas ranging from the technology portfolio itself to the level and type of technical support and the availability of other value added services. And, as a long-term distributor of LEDs and a leading early adopter of 'lighting class' LEDs from companies such as Avago, Cree, Everlight, Osram, Sharp and Vishay, Arrow has considerable experience in developing an overall offering that can meet the widest possible variety of customer requirements in each segment.In terms of the product portfolio, having a linecard with a broad range of LEDs from a variety of manufacturers is clearly a very important starting point. A typical electronics OEM, for example, will expect to be able to quickly choose the optimum colours, styles, power ratings and brightnesses for their target applications.

Customers will also expect their LED supplier to offer other technologies that will be required to create a working LED solution. These may include LED drivers or (increasingly) led high bay light with embedded LED driver capabilities, secondary optics and a host of other semiconductor, passive, connector and on-board and off-board components. OEMs working with high brightness LEDs, for example, are also likely to require their distributor to provide effective thermal management technologies and dedicated LED power supplies.
