the opportunity to explore these possibilities together

While other manufacturers produce lights with occupancy sensors, Sensitivity Systems claims to be the first to provide luminaires together with a wide range of sensors to capture and transmit data from smart devices. Each luminare becomes a node that can capture data for public safety, weather monitoring, parking management and retail analytics.By combining energy-efficient LED lighting with the first true multiservice platform, the Light Sensory Network promises to be the next platform for global innovation,” said Hugh Martin, chairman and CEO of Sensity Systems. “While all the individual components of the platform have been available before, Sensity is the first company that put everything together—all the relevant technology expertise, process integration know-how and strong partnerships—to make the Agent of high bay a reality. And we’re delivering an LSN platform to light owners as an easy-to-implement, fully integrated, turnkey package.”
Sensity claims that its NetSense platform, is the first commercially available instantiation of the LSN, which integrates LED lighting, sensors, high-speed networking, cloud computing and big data analytics into a single, MultiService Platform (MSP) with distributed intelligence.Uniquely each LED luminaire is equipped with sensors and a fully functioning processor able to run software instructions. When networked together, these luminaires collectively gather and process data about the surrounding environment, enabling analytics that transform the raw data into actionable information. The company contends that the networked LED luminaires deliver huge energy savings of approximately 80 percent with LED lighting alone and approximately 90 percent with LED lighting plus networking, compared to fluorescent or HID lighting.

Cities and towns everywhere tell us they’re looking for ways to lower their energy costs and at the same time provide services more efficiently,” said Jim Davis, president of Chevron Energy Solutions, a Sensity partner targeting municipals for Light Sensory Network deployments. “Sensity offers a way for cities to both cut their energy use and build an innovative information network to make their services more efficient, and we are excited about the opportunity to explore these possibilities together.”Sensity says it has begun working with several partners and third-party developers to Wholesale Led high bay light create SensApps applications and services that run on NetSense. including: lighting control, power monitoring, lighting maintenance, network monitoring, parking management, security, asset management and retail analytics.

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